Canada • Monkeypox • Polio • Theresa Tam • Vaccination • Public

 Curbing #monkeypox transmission — which means vaccinating those most likely to spread it — is a different goal than personal protection. We saw that debate during COVID: whether to first vaccinate elders (highest risk) or essential workers

Unlike COVID, I don’t know if we'd want to throw #monkeypox vaccination open to the entire population if supplies were unlimited. We certainly shouldn't set up another COVID situation where low-risk people in US have access before high-risk people in lower-income countries.

Unlike COVID, I don’t know if we'd want to throw #monkeypox vaccination open to the entire population if supplies were unlimited. We shouldn't set up another COVID situation where low-risk people in US have access before high-risk people in lower-income countries.

Curbing transmission — which means vaccinating those most likely to spread MPX — is a different goal than personal protection. We saw that debate during COVID: whether to first vaccinate elders (highest risk) or essential workers