Monument Valley 10+ reviews and Ratings

Monument Valley 10+ reviews and Ratings 

 1. I love the game so much, it will entertain anyone who plays it. My favorite part is of course the insane creativity in the way the world can move and how each level can hold something more impressive. The only reason it's not 5 stars is after buying the second set of levels, I think the game would feel much more rounded if they were part of the game without a second purchase so everyone can play them, and i also have to delete and re download it because it refuses to open sometimes.

2. Great concept, visual direction/style, and atmosphere. Most of the puzzles are pretty easy and it feels like the core game barely scratches the surface of what it could do with the main game mechanic. The bonus level and paid expansion help (I think they're better than the main game tbh), but there's still so much more that could be done. It feels like once each idea starts getting interesting/challenging, the level ends. I still had a great deal of fun with this one, overall I'd recommend it.

3. Awesome, but too short. It took just under 2.5 hours to complete the entire game (10 levels + independent story "Ida's Dream"). You can add an additional 8 levels for $2 more - I opted not to. I would've paid more up front for ~100 levels, but I feel cheated. That said, the concept is original and interesting, challenging but not hard, and the graphics + functionality are flawless. It really is like a game made from an Escher creation. Even the music & sounds, which I usually mute, were great.

4. Surprisingly short game. However, it was incredibly fun! Brilliant game design and concept. The art style is fun. Smooth gameplay all around and it really makes you think from a different perspective! I can't wait to play the next one! Edit: just one! A restart button would be nice instead of exiting the chapter and coming back in.

5. Very beautiful game! I love the idea of optical illusions to create creative puzzles. I am sad at the length of the game. I understand there's an add-on for purchase but beating a game in just under an hour is pretty saddening. Makes me not want to buy the DLC or the 2nd game because I don't want to spend the money on the same small amount of content.

6. Very beautiful and relaxing game the puzzles are interesting gets you to thinking in a different way. Not very challenging and very short, unfortunately. I would see very little point in repeating the game, within a few rounds you would have everything memorized. There are not very many levels. The story is vague and simplistic as well. If I had known it was this short I wouldn't have spent the money on it, if it was a freebie with some ads or only a buck or two maybe, but otherwise no.

7. Very atmospheric, beautiful graphics, good gameplay, relaxing and stimulating at the same time. The process of completing each puzzle is very satisfying and the soundtrack compliments it well. Downside is it's only 10 levels and lacks any real challenge. Finished the whole thing in maybe an hour, with maybe 5 net minutes of any struggle. Still, $4/$5 for an hour of pleasure is far frome a terrible deal, but you can get a lot more out of many free apps.

8. I haven't smiled this much at a game in a long time. The gameplay is fun and innovative, the music and sound design are lovely, and the characters are adorable to look at. This whole game breathes style, and it's great to see that some creators still have artistic vision these days. It's short, but not woefully so, and the ending was satisfying and poignant. Plus if you tap on the birds they do a little caw. Easily one of the best games I've played on my phone in a long time.

9. This is, by far, one of the most unique puzzle games I've ever played. Each level plays with different perspectives and optical illusions, and combined with the soothing soundtrack and gorgeous graphics, this game is definitely worth the money. No paywalls here, but there is an additional purchase for $1.99 that gives you 8 more levels to play, which I would also recommend. With play pass, both the game and extra levels are free. I'm not big on games that cost money, but this one is worth it.

10. Man i'm not gonna lie, i played a game similar to this and i was skeptical about it, but this is the most vexating puzzle game i have ever played. Simple, but beautiful graphics. Challenging and stimulating gamplay. Intriguing and interesting story. If you have a few bucks, get the DLC, it's all worth it. This takes impossible geometry to a whole nother level 🔥🔥🔥

11. Truly first rate...the art, the puzzles, the storyline...unmatched in its simple beauty and mental challenge. Makes you think on a whole new and different level in approaching a "problem". It kept me up all night not unlike a great book. I am in awe of this game as a masterpiece and its creators as artisan entertainers. And just by the way, i loved the original MV. This is one time, however, where the sequel outshined the first. Thank you. And bravo.

12. This is an exceptionally amazing game! The solutions to the puzzles seem impossible at first, but are so seeming right there as you walk your path and manipulate the path to different view points. How some of them came together had me say "Wow, that's amazing!" on more than one occasion. This game makes your brain have to think outside of the box. One of the greatest games I've ever played. Will absolutely be looking at the developer's other titles. Brilliantly done guys and gals!

Best app game I have ever played, bar none. I haven't yet played the sequel, but I have a feeling it's the only thing that could rival the joy of this game. Lovable characters, gorgeous scenery, and tricky puzzles. What more could you want? Playing it is like exploring an MC Escher painting in 3D but with the beauty of the scene amped up to max. Seriously, it's the only app game for which I ordered art prints to decorate my walls. It's THAT good. The only thing I disliked was when it was all over